
Sunday, July 20, 2014

5 month old update

The boys are 5 months old! The last 2 full months have been full of sickness. We haven't had a break! I'm not exaggerating when I say that. All of us went through having a cold and nasty cough, one sickness overlapping the other. Then Lucy had pink eye and swimmer's ear. Then Luke and Jacob got pink eye. Then Luke got an ear infection. Then I had to take him in because his poor little body reacted to the Amoxicillin and he had terrible diarrhea that caused a rash that started to bleed. Then Ben got the stomach flu, then Luke, then me, then Jacob. Then Luke got a double ear infection. In the meantime I had to go to the doctors because I STILL have aunt flo from giving birth 5 months ago. Weird, I know. And in the meantime we had to see a plastic surgeon about the boys' helmets. Then we went to FitWell to get the boys casted for helmets. Then we had DDI Vantage come and the boys indeed have Torticollis. Their necks are tight and they need physical therapy so we have the first home visit this Wednesday. I'm pretty sure Jacob has a sore throat because his voice is raspy and I have a sore throat myself. I seriously have no idea how I have kept my sanity.

We started the boys on rice cereal and jarred fruits/veggies.

Luke has started to roll over. He's in size 2 diapers and in 0-3 month clothes. He's been fussy because of his ear infections but has been a trooper. He's really good and eating from a spoon and he still chews on his fist all the time.

Jacob still doesn't move. I think its difficult for him because of his size. He's in size 3 diapers and in 6-9 month clothes. He can sleep without being swaddled and can fall asleep anywhere. It's amazing. He has two bottom teeth that came in. He doesn't rely on his pacifier much anymore except for initially falling asleep at nap time.