
Monday, January 8, 2018

Molly's Blessing

In November I designed Molly's blessing dress, and headed to fabric store and found some beautiful eyelash lace. I stayed up late for a few nights to finish the dress and bonnet. It turned out exactly how I imagined in my mind and I am so glad that I took the time to do it. I am so grateful for my job at the BYU Laundry. I worked in the sewing room for a year. Most of the work was altering suits for the missionaries at the MTC. However, we worked on all sorts of projects. We learned how to alter patterns and design clothes. One Summer we designed and sewed Courtney Draper's wedding dress. We worked with lace on another dress and it really prepared me for making Molly's dress.

On December 3rd we blessed Molly in Sacrament Meeting. Ben, my dad, Jeffrey, Ryan Ciervo, Andrew Collier, and Barton Mace were in the circle. Her blessing was so sweet.

Molly is a choice spirit who was saved for this period in Earth’s history because of how she used her agency in the pre-earth life. She has been a calming influence before and will continue to be a calming influence in the lives of those who she associates with, including her family. She has been blessed with many skills and talents and she’ll enjoy life as she develops those. Friendship will be easy for her and as she will be a natural leader. Her calm obedient spirit will be a blessing to her and those around her. Her testimony will be a great strength and as she shares it, it’ll grow. Her strong testimony, and sharing of it, will lead her to find a husband with similar goals. She will have a close personal relationship with the Savior which will give her strength. With this relationship, life will be full of joy and peace. As she continues to use agency for good here, this will bless her life and others’ lives here as it blessed others in the pre-earth life. 

After church, family and friends came to our house for a late lunch. We had the Ciervos, Colliers, Cottongims, Firths, Scotts, and both Allen families over. Walmart deli catered it with sub sandwiches. It was so nice to have the people I love here to celebrate. 


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