
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

2 month checkup

The last two months have been so fun. I love being a mom. All the kids are doing so well. The boys are growing so fast! We had their two month checkup and here are the stats:

Height: 1' 9"
Weight: 10lb 14oz 
(That's almost 5 lbs more than birth!)

Height: 1' 9.5"
Weight: 9lb 13oz

Our day begins at around 7am when the boys wake up for breakfast. Ben and I feed them a bottle. Jacob is up to 6 oz every feeding and Luke drinks 4oz. Then we have another feeding around 10-11am, 1-2pm, 5pm, and 8-8:30pm. We have a pretty strict routine but feeding times change according to fussiness. We feed, then change diapers, playtime/tummy time, then nap. We swaddle them for naps and they love it. They sleep in separate cribs now. After the 5:30pm feeding we keep them awake until bedtime. We put them down at 8:30pm and they sleep until 6:30am or 7am and then we start again.

They both love the car. It soothes them so much. We are back into our routine of going to the library, and running errands. I leave a lot of time to prep for each trip. Everywhere we go I park, get out the double snap-n-go, get both babies out, let Lucy out and then we head to our destination. I have to allow for a lot of time but I love it. It has really helped me to slow down. Instead of rushing everywhere and getting grumpy when shoes and jackets aren't on, I can take my time, drive slow, and get where I need to go on time. I don't get as much done in the day but that is fine with me.

Both boys are smiling now. It takes a lot of work to get it out of them but it melts my heart every time. 

 Lucy has started to take selfies and her smile is pretty cute too!

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