
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The week of Christmas was so good. Ben was home the whole we so we got a lot done. We swapped Lucy's room and the guest room so that the boys could share the bigger room. Ben set up the cribs. We went through all of our things and donated a ton of stuff to DI. Ben almost completely dry-walled the downstairs bedroom. I cleaned and organized. On Christmas Eve we worked hard, took a nap, and then had fun activities including making an ornament, reenacting the Nativity Story and decorating sugar cookies.

Later that night Lucy hung her stocking and set out cookies and milk for Santa Clause. 

On Christmas morning Lucy was determined that Santa didn't come because she didn't hear any of the jingle bells from his sleigh. She was thrilled when she saw that he did come.

 After presents, Ben made pancakes and bacon.

Later in the week my brother came down from Alberta. We had a mock Christmas and went sledding.

1 comment:

Tati said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas! (And I love Ben's Stansbury shirt when decorating the cookies ;) haha)
Great goals to have for your New Years! You look FANTASTIC! We need to get together again :)