For Valentin's Day I made a cake with my new cake decorating kit I got for Christmas. It was yummy and I actually had fun baking for once! And that shirt Ben is wearing was his Halloween costume I made him. 
I started off the New Year with the goal to read more. Starting in February I started to read some books off a Top 100 list I got on the internet. I've really enjoyed the process a lot more than I thought I would. I have read about 10 so far including One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Catcher in the Rye, The Chronicles of Narnia (4 of them), and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. A lot of them I would never read again but it has been fun to gain more knowledge about all the Classics.
Lucy is 10 months old! She is walking now but she still prefers crawling. She dances, snuggles, gives kisses, claps, climbs the stairs and slaps her head (I have no idea where she got it from but it is absolutely hilarious). She went swimming for the first time in her adorable new swimsuit. She loved the water and daddy even took her on the water slide!

I made her a cute dress for Julie's wedding next month and I cannot get enough of her when she's wearing it. She just looks like a ball of sunshine.

Ben's birthday was this week. He turned 26. We spent the evening watching BYU's sweet 16 game and shopping for baseball cleats. He enjoyed his jell-0 cake and some cute cupcakes I made.

Life is going great and we are enjoying it so much. We just got the internet today, after going a year without it, so I will be better about blogging from now on. Here are just some random pics of Lucy.

Wow, so much going on! Lucy is such a smart little lady- I can't believe she's already walking!! That dress you made for her is the cutest thing ever- you are so talented.
yay for internet!!! i'm excited you'll be blogging more! :)
Super awesome to hear you've got the internet again and now I can compulsively check your blog again. I'm stoked to hear about your reading list Kelsey. Those are some pretty intense reads. One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest is my #1 favorite book of all time, mostly just for the impact its had on my life. I also love Catcher in the Rye. You should read JD Salinger's other books since you're reading more. They are fabulous and life changing. Paul nominates How Congress Works and Why You Should Care by Lee Hamilton. Lucy is SO CUTE and we can't wait to see all of you! Just one question...a jello cake?
LOVE your pics! And who knew! You're quite the little baker, Kelsey. Or should I say "Betty Crocker"?? ;)
She is so cute! Love the pigtails!!
Lucy is so cute, and she's so lucky to have such a talented mom! I LOVE the dress you made for her! Maybe when I have a baby you can make a dress for her? Ha ha!
And really good job expanding your reading horizons! I just reread Mockingbird too. Great book!
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