Lucy is just the cutest thing ever. She is such a joy. And she's growing like a weed. She is still in the 90th percentile for height her age and is in the 75th percentile for weight. She babbles all the time. Her favorite thing to say right now is ba-ba but she can also say da-da, na-na, ffffffp, and shhhhhh and she can do some crazy loud rasberries. Can you believe it? She started sitting up about a month before the books said she would and now she's a pro. She tries to take off crawling but just ends up on her face. She rolls herself around the room and scoots on her back. She can even pull herself up on furniture! And our newest milestone was hit on December 10th. HER FIRST TOOTH! She had been fussy at night, and wouldn't eat her dinner and now I know why. I love that girl to death. 

Wow, quite the milestones! You guys look like you are having fun, we miss you here! Brent was so sad at the last ward get together since Ben wasn't there.
What a cutie! Love her to death!
She is such a cutie!
WOW!!! We sure miss you guys! She is so grown up and so so stinkin' cute!!! Hope all is well for you!
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