
Friday, April 20, 2018

Luke and Jacob

Luke and Jacob turned 4 in February. Luke can spell his name and knows all of his letters and most of their sounds. He is really good at using scissors. He typically comes home from school and gets out his homework and does it right away. He can use a glue stick without help. He is an early riser and usually wakes up before anyone else and plays quietly until we do. He is quiet in Sunbeams and sits reverently in his chair.

Jacob loves to play games with superheroes, firemen, or policemen. He is so funny and keeps us laughing all the time. He prefers real actors to cartoons. He is a little more dependent on adults because he thinks he cant do things. Although usually when he tries, he does a great job. He helps me a lot with the dishes and with Molly and earned enough money to buy a toy from the dollar store. Of course he chose a police kit with gun, badge and walkie talkie.

Both boys started Tball a few weeks ago. They are so handsome in their uniforms. Their first game was hilarious to watch. Luke concentrated so hard and was pitcher and first baseman. Jacob was a little more of a wanderer. Although one time Jacob tackled a girl, got the ball from her, raised it up in the sky and proceeded to yell, "I got the ball! I got the ball!" He continued to shout that out the whole rest of the game. I loved watching them play, especially being brothers on the same team.

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