
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Lucy's Birthday Party

Lucy turned 7 years old on May 15th. Lucy has such a good heart. She tries so hard to be good and doesn't want to hurt anyone. She wants to include everyone and be friends to everyone. This year we discovered that she is naturally talented at the piano. She has been taking lessons for a few months from Kristin Haroldson and she is a quick learner. She is a good French speaker. She recently learned long addition at school. Lucy is really easy to please when it comes to gifts. She likes any and everything. When I ask her what she wants for holidays she usually doesn't really have anything too specific. She really enjoys Legos and any sort of imagination play. She enjoys books about detectives. She loved the Nancy Drew Series and she is currently reading A to Z Mysteries. She's not picky about clothes or her hair and is still a messy eater. She is a multitasker. So when you think she is not listening or that she is in her own little world, she actually does hear you. And most of the time she is in her own little world. We sure do love her.

We had an Alice in Wonderland Birthday party for her on a Saturday afternoon. We had pizza, popcorn, and cake. We watched Alice in Wonderland and played "Pin the smile on the Cheshire Cat." The girls had a lot of fun and Lucy was thrilled to have friends over to celebrate.

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