The boys turned 2 years old on the 18th of February. They have brought so much joy and excitement into our lives. We are so grateful to have 2 happy and healthy growing boys. They have learned so much this year. They learned how to walk, run, jump and climb. They graduated from bottles to cups. They have graduated from rear-facing to forward-facing carseats. They have graduated from high chairs to regular chairs and from crib to twin mattresses. They were in speech therapy for 6 months and they just finished at the end of 2015. They now speak fairly well and are soaking up everything they hear. They can repeat sounds and combine 2 or 3 word phrases. They are right on track. Once they started (which took a while) they have really taken off all in the last month or two. We had their 2 year check up with Dr. Jim Gould last week and they are growing boys! Jacob's growth percentages have been steadily the same but Luke's percentages are the highest they've ever been!
Height 36" (91%)
Weight 31 lbs (80%)
Head Circumference 20 (96%)
Height 33.5" (30%)
Weight 24.5 lbs (10%)
Head Circumference 18.8 (75%)
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