We have been in and out of instacare for a few months now. We've had ear infections, strep throat, hand foot and mouth disease, bladder infections, and allergies. The bugs out here have been outrageous. There are so many because of the warm winter. Lucy was bit by a tiny gnat just under her eye. It looked normal and then a few hours later it swelled. The next morning her eye was almost swollen shut. Benedryl didn't work and ice packs didn't work. We ended up in instacare and there was nothing they could do about it. It was swollen for about a week.
She tried to take a selfie and covered her eye while taking it. Funny girl.
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease is awful. Luke had strep and he wasn't eating and the doctors kept saying that the antibiotic just hadn't kicked in yet. After 3 days of him not eating or sleeping (3 DAYS!!) and over 24 hours without a wet diaper I finally took him to instacare. They said he had HFM on top of the strep. For an hour the nurses just held him down and forced him to drink juice. It doesn't sound bad but being in that room with your baby screaming and gagging for an hour is awful. I couldn't help but cry with him. And lets just clarify that Luke's awful sicknesses were all while Ben was at Boy Scout camp.
Hand foot mouth is seriously the worst thing ever for kids!! My kids have had it twice and it was awful, and last so long. You are so tough- especially to work through it while Ben was gone. Glad that's over for you!!
Oh, HFM is TERRIBLE. Logan had it about a year ago and it was the worst week of his life, I'm pretty sure. Sounds like you guys had a really rough week :( So sorry!
Ick ick ick. That sounds so awful. Glad everyone is better.
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