It has also been really cold and rainy. Our thermostat is so confused. I switch it constantly between heater and air conditioning. Instead of turning on the heater one morning I just turned on the fireplace. Luke was really good with it and didn't touch it at all. I forgot about it and then curious Jacob came and touched it. We ended up taking him to instacare in Tooele. It was awful. He was in so much pain and he had 2nd degree burns on his hand. Eating was pretty tricky. Eventually that nasty blister popped and then it was even more difficult to clean it, medicate it, and wrap it twice a day for 10 days. It has healed and is barely noticeable now.
The boys are getting pretty difficult now. They are 15 months old. Luke is 20 lbs (5th percentile) and Jacob is 26 lbs (80th). They don't speak yet. They run everywhere. Walking is overrated. They climb on everything and they are so fast. They destroy things, hide things, and fight a lot. Jacob throws a lot of tantrums and Luke just throws everything. I can never find a matching pair of shoes. They are so quick to find an open door or the toilet seat up. Luke strips himself everyday. We have to be very thoughtful about what we dress him in for naps, otherwise we'll find him completely naked. The other day he took of his clothes and poopy diaper during the night and flung poo everywhere! I couldn't worry about it that morning because it was Lucy's preschool graduation. We had to clean everything! All of his toys, blankets, and last weekend we rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned the carpets in the entire house. They are so funny and so sweet, I just can't seem to keep up with them.
Lucy has fallen asleep coloring at her desk more than once now.
Before taking these pictures I asked them both to smile and they both did silly faces instead. It made me laugh.
Oh man, Kelsey! So many things about this post made laugh. Not the part about Jacob's hand though. That made me so sad!! I'm so sorry that happened. It's good to know what kind of ruckus I have to look forward to. Twins, man. Thank goodness for em. Sure makes my efforts to teach my kids how to sleep seem not so adventurous after all. Thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness. Poor little guy! I have a friend whose daughter did the exact same thing. Also, I cannot believe how wild boys are. Logan is like the destroyer of all things... I can't imagine having two! But they sure are cute!
oh my goodness! You really have your hands full! this post totally made me crack up. i can just picture it all! (plus, your boys remind me of my boy--EXTREMELY destructive and hitting terrible 2's super early). You're doing great, though, mama! hang in there! You make cute kids!
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