
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

We're Pregnant

I'm 9.5 weeks pregnant. We are so thrilled. And so humbled. We were thrilled to find out that our treatment worked. Ben and I both kind of knew inside that it would work. What we didn't fully know was this....

Twins at 7 weeks.

 Twins at 9.5 weeks.

We are having twins! It is such a miracle that both babies took and that our family is going to be a family of 5 in the middle of February. We are so incredibly grateful. It feels unreal. I guess what comes with having twins is awful morning sickness. I am sick all day, every day. Today I literally woke up sore from being sick all last night. I know it's worth it though. I know that there are women out there who would give anything to have morning sickness and to be able to say that they are pregnant. I was one of them. Ben has done so much for us. He has put Lucy to bed every night for the last several weeks. He has fed and cleaned her because I also have stopped cooking. We are so grateful and feel so blessed. Now I am trying to use these few months to prepare myself mentally and spiritually for this big event. I have a lot I need to improve on and I want to be the best parent I can to Lucy and the babies. I am so grateful for my doctors. They are miracle workers. I am so grateful for everyone who has prayed for us, taken care of us, and given us well wishes. I truly believe that there is strength in numbers and I am lucky to have so many people by our side.

9 weeks. 

Even though we have our little miracles on the way, I know that there are several well-deserving couples out there still waiting for theirs. My heart and sympathies go out to all of them. We love you and we pray for you. And so we can all know how to be polite and loving, here is an article my friend posted that I think is very fitting to our culture and their lack of awareness on the subject of infertility.


alyssa said...

OH MY FREAKING GOSH I'M SOOOOO FREAKING THRILLED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy crap twins!!! i was JUST thinking about you today and was wondering what was going on inside your womb. so glad i checked your blog today! i love you so much girl! now i'm going to text you and freak out some more!

Juliana said...

Congrats!!!! I saw you pin something on Pinterest and I was wondering what was going on!!!! :) So happy for you guys!

Rika and John Warr said...

YAY!!! This is such good news!!! If you need anything let us know. We are so excited for you guys!!!

The Halladays said...

Oh my goodness, Kelsey! Congratulations! I am SO happy for you. You are just wonderful!

Deise Clements said...

Yay Kelsey!! I am so happy for you guys! Our babies are going to be so close in age!! I'm due end of January / beginning of February. So exciting you are going to have twins! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited that you are having twins! I wish I could be there to help you out.

Jake and Brenna said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! I'm so happy for you! I know how hard it is to wait and work for a baby for so long. You are so strong! Congratulations!

Heather Feather said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you! Thank you for your example in faith and testimony!

Paul and Shug said...

Yippee Skippee! TWINNERS!!! Congrats you guys. Your house is going to get crazy!!! So exciting. Sounds like Ben is doing a good job. Make sure he keeps it up!

Brenda said...

Kelsey, I'm so happy to hear this - I'm so excited for you guys!! I hope you start to feel better as you come to the end of your first trimester, and that the babies stay healthy and grow strong. Lots of love to you, Ben, Lucy, and your two new little ones!

Chelsea said...

What an incredible blessing, so happy for you guys! That is amazing news :) I am sure Lucy will be a fantastic big sister!

Janell said...

Congratulations!!! What wonderful news. So glad that everything worked out. Can't wait to see two more cute Kelsey babies. :)

Jamie Cline said...

I am so incredibly thrilled for you! And twins!!!! How wonderful! I cannot wait to stalk your pregnancy!

Tati said...

wAHOO! So glad it's out there now! Hope you're doing well!

Tiffany Rumsey said...

Kelsey, I'm so excited for you. Congratulations! I hope the sickness gets better soon- you're such an amazing mom!

Heather said...

SO thrilled for you and SO happy I'm going to meet these little ones! And, you are beautiful!