Little miracles have occurred along the way that has really made me grateful for Heavenly Father's hand in this process. Extremely stressful situations have been solved with ease and has turned out better than we'd hoped for. The nurses, doctors, pharmacists, insurance, and everyone involved have made me feel so good and have been easy to work with. They have all been amazing. Whenever another miracle occurs it reminds me that we are doing what the Lord would have us do. I feel confident that we are doing the right thing, whether it is successful or not.
I got my color coded calendar on May 1st and I started some pills right away. I love my color coded calendar! If they didn't give me one I'm pretty sure I would have made my own.
We were so excited to get my medications delivered. You wanna hear the list?
Baby Aspirin
Birth Control Pills
Prenatal Vitamins
What's crazy about the picture below is that it is not even all of my medication! It is most, but not all.
I was a little surprised at some of the stuff I'm supposed to avoid that may interfere with the medications. On the list is licorice, raisins, antacids and a few other things that I can't remember. Ever since reading that, all I want is licorice! But I will prevail.
I have appointments throughout June to monitor everything. Appointments for blood draws and ultrasounds are on June 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, and then 2 more for the actual egg retrieval and embryo transfer.
I don't think I could be any more excited. I've been like a giddy schoolgirl ever since I got the medication. I was actually excited to start giving myself the shots today.
Wish us luck! We could use all of the prayers, fasting, and good luck we can get!
holy crap girl, you weren't kidding when you got a huge box of meds! we're praying for you girl. that doc does sound cool! and he better be!
Good luck!
Whoa, I didn't know all those meds were involved.
Just had a good friend go through IVF successfully, after 5 years of trying for a baby. Such a miracle that these procedures exist.
We'll be praying for you! Stay away from that licorice. ;)
Good luck Kelsey (and Ben)! I hope it works!
Sorry to bomb out on you and not be able to help since we are moving :(
I am SO excited for you to do IVF. We will be praying for you! Keep us posted--I will be checking for updates!
Oh my goodness that is a lot of meds! Good luck, girl! We're praying for another baby Shugart for you!
You know I'm always thinking and praying for you guys, too. I'm so excited for you and hope you get TRIPLETS! ;)
Kelsey! I've just barely been getting myself back into blogging and following others, and I'm so glad I stopped by your blog today. I think about you and our other roommies often and miss you!
First off, you are so strong. I admire your patience and faith through such an extremely trying situation. We will be praying for you guys! I am blown away by the number of girls I know right now who are trying for their #2, #3, + baby and aren't having success, even when they had no trouble getting pregnant with #1. I hope that if I experience the same thing I will have even a part of the faith you and others have shown. I'm so happy to hear you are starting a new promising option!! Keep us posted.
Longest comment ever... lastly, you are so beautiful! It always makes me happy to see your pictures on facebook and here. You're the best mom and wife! If you ever come to southern CA, know you have a place to stay, cause I'd love to see you guys!
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