Saturday, December 18, 2010
Lucy is all grown up!
Birthday Celebrations!
Later that week Ben set up a nice surprise. I got to ride a horse! We went to a neighbor's house and rode their horses in the snow! I loved it. Now I want a horse! That night we had a babysitter for the first time. We went to see the Disney movie Tangled (We had free tickets from our winnings at the County Fair this summber). I loved it also.
Lucy's quiet book
Here's the cover
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
June and July
We took her to JcPenney's and got some professional pictures taken. She's such a cutie.

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Our Family Has Grown By 19" !!
Our baby girl has finally arrived! Lucy Love Shugart was born last Saturday morning at 12:28 am. She was 6 pounds 6 ounces and 19” long. She is quite the cutie and is very healthy and happy. It’s amazing how similar her personality is to how it was in the womb. She is very calm and content. My mom says she’s the most content baby she’s ever seen. It’s been fun to have her home with me. I can’t stop staring at her! And even more exciting…she slept for five hours last night.
So here’s the story of the delivery. I went to my prenatal appointment on Friday expecting to come home a few hours later but after checking my blood pressure and because Lucy was still breech they decided to admit me to the hospital and deliver her that night. They tried turning her but her heart rate dropped so they decided to do an emergency c-section. It was the most uncomfortable, icky hour of my life. But we got this adorable little girl because of it and it was completely worth it.
As for my recovery, things are going very well. I always heard horror stories about how painful recovery is after having a cesarean. That hasn’t really been the case for me. The first day was pretty uncomfortable but it was definitely bearable. I’ve been up and about and moving around more smoothly than I did when I was pregnant.
Here are a few pictures of her earliest moments.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
When it rains it pours
This is him after.....
I also had a baby shower. We rented out a room in the provo library and it was gorgeous. We had almost 30 girls show up! It was really fun and I really was showered with gifts. I failed to take any pictures but here are a few a friend took.

Ben has been applying for jobs across the country for a while now. At the beginning of April he interviewed with Detroit Diesel in Tooele, Utah. A week later we got the exciting news that he got offered the position as their new process engineer! They wanted him to start within two weeks so quickly our life became a little hecktic. We got a gift card for P.F. Chang's that we have been saving for when he got a job offer so last weekend we finally went! It was really fun.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
On the home stretch.

We've been prepping for the big day and we now have a crib, mattress, and bedding for her. Recently, a few family members have been kind enough to send us some baby stuff. And I officially have the craft fever! I made these really cute baby wipe holders and fabric flowers for her hair. I'm so excited.