Ben and I stayed in Utah for Christmas because all of my siblings were going to be at my parents' house in Draper. We had a lot of fun and we were really spoiled with all of the yummy treats and millions of presents we got. The talk of the week, besides the birth of the Savior of course, was Ben. Why? Well, Ben is such a speedy and well trained sledder that he flew down the hill through my parents fence and into the neighbors' backyard. I'm not sure what happened after that because I decided it was too stressful of a situation to watch so I went inside to channel surf. Everyone laughed and it ended up being a funny and memorable adventure. By the way, the fence is fixed.

Ben gave me some great gifts including tickets to The Nutcracker at the Capitol Theater in Salt Lake. Ben and I had never seen The Nutcracker nor did we know the plot, so we weren't too sure if we'd like it. But it was really fun and highly entertaining. The theater was absolutely gorgeous and we tried to take pictures of it but they don't do it justice. Now that I'm pregnant, I am so grateful for intermissions. I always thought it was silly that women would wait in those terribly long lines to go to the bathroom when they could just wait until the end of the show. Now, I understand. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing the show again. I loved it.